How is Gender Ideology Harmful?
Encouraging gender identity confusion leads to gender transition. This often starts with a social transition (name, dress, etc.) and moves to medicalization.
Medicalizing children causes irreversible damage and changes to their bodies.
Puberty blockers affect bone growth and increase the risk of osteoporosis.
The use of puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones likely sterilizes the child.
Cross-sex hormones increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, uterine cancer, mood swings, and even psychosis.
There are serious risks and complications associated with related surgeries.
One study demonstrated that adults who underwent cross-sex surgical procedures experienced rates of suicide 19x higher than the general population.
Children with gender dysphoria or gender confusion need help to process their hurt and confusion and to establish positive self-esteem in the body that God gave them.
Children presenting with gender dysphoria have high rates of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety, and a history of sexual abuse or other trauma. With the affirmation approach, these children miss out on needed mental health support.
Our youngest children are being psychologically brainwashed to believe an ideology about gender that is antithetical to their observable reality. Of what else can they be convinced? This process is removing our children’s ability to think critically. Children are taught not to question what their culture calls “good.”
This ideology has torn families apart. Read stories from parents here: Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT) | Substack (pittparents.com)
The recent wave of adolescents suddenly deciding to identify as a different gender is being recognized as a social contagion known as Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.
When anyone pushes back against a child asserting a transgender identity, they are labeled by all in the gender ideology movement as dangerous, haters, bigoted, etc.
Children are even being removed from their parents by social services if parents are not affirmative of their new “identity.”
Adolescents are taught they should separate themselves from anyone who questions them and are turning away from their families.
Gender ideology rejects God’s design and created order.
It encourages self-harm, the denial of God’s creation of each body, and the destruction of the family.
Children are struggling with identity formation and are turning away from Christ.
Study: Effects of puberty-blockers can last a lifetime | WORLD (wng.org)
In His Image: This feature-length documentary is a critical and urgent message designed to equip the church to answer culturally controversial questions about gender and sexuality from a biblical perspective. It presents much-needed truth with compassion and clarity through powerful personal testimonies, careful Bible teaching, and scientific evidence.
https://segm.org/studies: The Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine lists a number of scientific studies that highlight many of the concerns with hormonal and surgical sex change (also referred to today as "gender-affirmative") interventions for gender dysphoric youth.
Transing Our Children PDF | Advocates Protecting Children: Transing Our Children is the fruit of a deep, wide, and horror-inducing investigation into the twisted world of childhood transgenderism. Brewer and Keffler have applied their analytic and critical-thinking skills to unmask this beast of an ideology, producing this thorough and ground-breaking book.