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What is Gender Ideology?

Gender ideology is the term used to describe a radical belief system about gender that includes the following assumptions (among others):

  • Gender lies on a spectrum

  • Gender is fluid. 

  • “Gender identity” is separate from biological sex and is the true determinant of one’s identity as male, female, neither, both, etc. 

This belief system has no basis in science or reality and is directly and systematically taught to children in many schools as if it were truth. Starting in preschool and strategically incorporated into every grade level, children are taught:

  1. Gender is a choice you must make, based on preferences and subjective feelings.

  2. Your identity as male or female is simply a “guess” that parents and doctors made when you were born based on the way your body looked. Your genitalia and genetic makeup are irrelevant to your identity as male or female.

  3. You can be any gender you choose, both boy and girl at the same time, neither boy or girl, or a myriad of other choices. 

  4. Your gender can change throughout your life or even from day to day.

  5. You might have been born in the wrong body and if you feel this is true, your emotional problems can be solved if you change your name, take cross-sex hormones, and have surgery to “affirm” the gender you subjectively feel you were supposed to be. 

  6. The only person that can know your true gender is YOU; so if others disagree or try to correct you then they are against you and this is a violent hate crime.

This ideology has dire consequences on all levels - physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. Children are being sterilized, schools are deceiving parents about their child’s chosen gender identity, and families are being torn apart.


Gender Resource Guide: This collaboratively published booklet is a clear and concise summary of the dangers of the new gender ideology pushed on our children. This is a highly recommended and free download.

“A Parent’s Guide to Radical Gender Theory by Christopher Rufo”: This brief, excellent guide explains the key concepts of gender ideology, presents a few of the countless examples of this being taught in schools, shares language to use, and discusses ideas for parents on how to address this issue.

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