Join us in Protecting Children
Gender Ideology and Comprehensive Sex Education are rampant in our schools. NY Legislators are threatening to mandate this for all K-12 children with bills A6616/S2584A & A840/S369.
Join us for daily ideas throughout May of how to BE INFORMED and BE ENGAGED. We will be providing information about how to speak to your school board, write to your legislators, share truth, and more.
You can also join us on our Facebook page: Alliance to Protect New York's Children.
Or you can sign up to join our email list HERE.
May 31, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: In summary of our MayDay event, here are some essential points:
1. Schools have been hijacked by radical activism with continuous coercion toward a ‘political correctness’ that is not based in reality or focused on child wellbeing.
2. Parents are losing “say” and rights as their children are subject to government-funded and directed schooling focused more on indoctrination than education.
3. Children of all ages are being hyper-sexualized, leading to countless harms on the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual levels.
4. Children of all ages are being massively brainwashed into a false gender ideology that leads to disassociation with reality and major mental and physical health issues.
5. We cannot stay silent.
Be Engaged: Let’s encourage one another. Tell us what you have done this May in an effort to protect children from Comprehensive Sex Ed and Gender Ideology. Thank you for joining us this MayDay to protect children.
May 30, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: The Single Largest Sex Education Providor in the US, reaching over 1.2 million each year, is Planned Parenthood. They exclaim, “Sexuality and sexual pleasure are important for all young people, irrespective of reproductive desires.” They go on to explain children are BORN with a right to their sexuality without discrimination based on age… Yes, you read that right. Planned Parenthood staunchly advocates that children have a RIGHT to sexual pleasure at any age, and that they should not be prevented from that sexual pleasure by anyone wanting to restrict their access to it. That means you, parents. Planned Parenthood would like to release any and all boundaries on sex, pushing the youngest of children to engage in sexual activities.
We fundamentally disagree. Children have a right and a need to be PROTECTED. They are NOT born sexual. Sexuality clearly develops through puberty and adolescence. Childhood innocence needs to be protected from those who would sexualize them. Child sexual abuse causes a wealth of harm and lifelong mental and physical health concerns. Children are not ready to “consent” to sexual activitiy, which is why there are laws to protect them from those who would harm them sexually. We must stand against sex education taught by planned parenthood and their allies. Their agenda to sexualize children is abundantly clear in every curriculum, pamphlet, and video they produce. Our young children need to be protected, not sexualized. Check out this video about the National Sex Ed Standards (created in part by Planned Parenthood) and how they push a child’s “sexual agency” without regard for boundaries or healthy, committed, mature relationships.
“Indeed, it is arguably criminally irresponsible to pander sexual stimuli to juveniles during a time when their brains are desperately trying to figure out and wire up a complex body of knowledge, especially sexuality.” (Reisman, McAlister, DeGroff)
Be Engaged: Protect children from obscenity. Do everything you can to protect your children from harm: many ideas have been discussed thus far in the MayDay posts. You can opt your child out of sex ed, connect with their educators, or decide to research other schooling options such as Christian schools or homeschooling. You can protect them in libraries and restrict and monitor their internet and electronic device usage. You can lay a groundwork of truth and provide appropriate boundaries to your children.
If you know of a situation where children have been inappropriately exposed to sexual content at too early of an age, consider contacting the Child & Parental Rights Campaign. They “offer representation to parents whose constitutionally protected fundamental right to direct the upbringing, care, and education of their children has been violated.”
May 29, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: Transition or Suicide? Individuals caught in the web of transgender lies appear to have higher rates of suicidal ideation. The trans community says this is because they aren’t being “affirmed.” This conclusion is unscientific, untrue, and harmful to children, adolescents, and adults dealing with this ideology. Think historically: when people groups are not “affirmed” in their beliefs or firmly-held positions, they do NOT tend toward suicide. Actually, it could be argued that the LGBTQ+ culture is the most widely celebrated sub-group in our culture, today. The feelings of suicidality are very clearly stemming from something else—perhaps the reality that those identifying as transgender or gender non-conforming are highly likely to have experienced significant TRAUMA, ABUSE, or be diagnosed with DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER and ADHD. These individuals needs real love and mental health support, not affirmation of something that leads them to further harm.
It has been very well documented that suicide IS a social contagion. We must not perpetuate this narrative to hurting children!
We know that those who undergo cross-sex surgeries are at a higher risk of suicide than the general population…more than 19x higher. And we know that childen with gender dysphoria most often embrace their biological sex by adulthood when they are NOT affirmed in their new, chosen gender identity. So the “transition or suicide” narrative is completely backward.
Embracing reality is critical for mental health.
Be Engaged: Watch this video. Share it with others. Have compassion on those with suicidal ideation and help them feel loved and encouraged in the truth.
May 28, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: At the Board of Regents’ March meeting, the State Education Department unveiled the most recent version of a proposed regulation relating to private schools. The regulation would implement a new framework and review process for evaluating whether a private school, in compliance with New York law, is providing instruction to children that is at least substantially equivalent to the instruction provided at a corresponding public school. The regulation would require local school authorities to begin making periodic (once every seven years) substantial equivalency determinations according to a process set out within the regulation. The Department has invited public comment on the regulation for a limited time. Comments will be accepted through Monday, May 30, 2022.
What does the regulation provide?
- It requires local school authorities (LSA) to periodically review and make a decision (or at least a recommendation) regarding substantial equivalency for all private schools in their geography. It allows various pathways for private schools to demonstrate substantial equivalency.
- It allows schools to be deemed equivalent (without going through a review process) if they administer certain state tests approved by the Department, or are accredited by a Department-approved organization, or are registered by the Board of Regents. Section 130.3.
- For schools that don't fit into one of these categories, the regulation prescribes the review process by which a LSA should determine substantial equivalency. Sections 130.5 and 130.6. The regulation spells out the criteria that an LSA should consider in conducting a substantial equivalency review. Section 130.9.
-The regulation requires that the review be conducted in a manner that is respectful of the religious beliefs and educational philosophy that may drive the curriculum or delivery of instruction within a private school. The review must also be based on objective criteria and be cognizant of the right of parents to choose among religious and secular schools. Section 130.10.
Should parents be concerned?
If a school fits into one of the categories that exempt the school from the required review process (i.e. the school administers state tests or has certain accreditations), then the regulation may represent a formality (because the school’s instruction will be deemed substantially equivalent). If not, then just as private schools may be concerned about how burdensome the review process will be and/or how fairly and respectfully the process will be implemented, parents may also be concerned that the review process will be abused by public school administrators who do not share their worldview or do not value alternatives to public education. Although the regulation expressly requires that the review process be conducted in an objective and respectful manner, it does add a new layer of regulation, and there is always some risk that regulations are wielded abusively in practice.
Be Engaged: Contact the NYS Dept of Education TODAY! The deadline is fast approaching. Those with any immediate concerns should submit their comments on the regulation by Monday, May 30, 2022.
We recommend submitting comments by email to Christina Coughlin, Assistant Commissioner.
May 27, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: Many may agree that in today’s society it is difficult to hold genuine conversations with people about important issues. Sometimes it feels like people talk circles around each other. This often happens because of “Linguistic Theft.” Linguistic theft is when words are redefined and used to promote an ideology. For example:
“Tolerance” used to mean living “peacefully with people of different beliefs.” However, now “tolerance” means “that all beliefs, no matter how bogus, must be treated as equally legitimate.” If an individual disagrees with someone’s beliefs, then that person is now considered intolerant.
“Gender” and “sex” were traditionally synonymous words. However, “gender” is now defined as the way people socially present themselves, and “sex” is defined by your genitals. Do you remember the slogan: Friends don’t let friends drive drunk? Traditionally, a real friend was someone who stood up for someone else’s wellbeing, even when it was difficult to do so and caused conflict. This video helps explain why affirming someone in a new gender identity and encouraging that individual to transition causes that person more harm than if he/she was affirmed as his/her biological sex.
Be Engaged: Hillary Ferrer says, “When our society messes with the definition of truth, it is messing with our kids’ very foundation of reality.” Take time today to start teaching your children to recognize when activists use slogans, shift meaning, and rely on emotional language to promote their agendas. When you have conversations with people in your community, make sure you ask, “What do you mean by that?” If you can effectively reiterate someone else’s point of view, so that they would agree with your summary, then you are beginning to understand what they mean by the words they are using. While there is freedom of speech in America, do not feel pressured to use words as others define them. Stand up for truth.
May 26, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: The creators of the National Sex Education Standards are pro-abortion. Here are a few of these organizations’ posts:
· SIECUS: “Everyone deserves barrier-free access to abortion care regardless of their age, full stop. 21 states mandate parental consent for a young person to access abortion care, with an additional 17 states mandating parental notification.”
· ADOVATES FOR YOUTH: “Shoutout to the young people…who are at the forefront of spreading awareness about self managed abortion. And yes, it’s safe!”
Every year there are roughly 50 million abortions globally. Abortions claim more lives every year than the top ten leading causes of death combined. This free booklet details the harmful effects of abortion, including some of the misconceptions surrounding abortion. (Go to page 33 to begin learning more about abortions.)
Be Engaged: Today, share this booklet with a friend. Then, discuss with your children what they have learned about abortion. Teach your children to value human life, including innocent life in the womb.
May 25, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: Today, “censorship” is considered a bad word. Activist organizations believe children should have free access to information. The American Association of School Librarians says, “Intellectual Freedom is every learner’s right.” Jennisen Lucas, the president of the American Association of School Librarians, was reported to have said that “school librarians have a responsibility to assemble collections that represent all students, helping them to learn about themselves and the world around them.” Does this mean schools should give students access to autobiographies from pedophiles and manifestos from mass murderers? No. Of course not. Doing so would encourage children to engage in the same kinds of activities. Yet, organizations think it is appropriate to introduce children to sexually explicit content and give them access to books that encourage gender confusion.
Watch these moms bravely expose the content of books in their children’s schools:
Uncensored access to information directly threatens our children’s innocence. In The Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom shared a powerful message from her father. He said, “It’s the same way, Corrie, with knowledge. Some knowledge is too heavy for children. When you are older and stronger, you can bear it. For now you must trust me to carry it for you.”
Be Engaged: First, check your child’s library for inappropriate books. Get a copy of any inappropriate books and read a few lines to your school board. Also, teach your kids how to use discernment. Discernment is (1) being able to identify good from evil and (2) accepting the good while rejecting the evil.
May 24, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: As we have seen, gender ideology is certainly taught at school, but it is also reaching your children through social media. Listen to Helena’s experience as a young woman who formerly identified as transgender. Our children are being sold lies that are causing irreversible damage.
Be Engaged: Be as careful as possible with your child’s internet and electronic device use. Delay the age at which they can access devices. Put protections on your child’s phone, ipad, computer today that will help protect them from unwanted influences. Facilitate open dialogue about what your kids do online and set clear expectations about how to stay safe and how you will be monitoring their internet use.
May 23, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: Comprehensive Sex Ed and Gender Ideology are harming our children. Watch this presentation to learn more.
Be Engaged: Consider inviting Feed My Sheep Foundation to speak at your church, school, or community group about Comprehensive Sex Ed and Gender Ideology. We can do this in person or virtually depending on your locale. Please email us at to discuss setting something up.
May 22, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: This image is an example of gender ideology forced on students in Smithtown Central School District on Long Island. There appears to be no “neutral ground” in schools these days in public schools. Children are surrounded with gender ideology and being punished if they disagree. See these examples:
Be Engaged: Educate yourself on your child’s rights with this guide and inform your children about how to handle uncomfortable situations in school.
May 21, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: Comprehensive Sex Ed is not effective in reaching their stated goals: decreasing STDs, decreasing teen pregnancy, etc. Instead, CSE is more often HARMING our children. Of 103 studies of school-based Comprehensive Sex Ed programs, only 6% found evidence of effectiveness. 16% of programs worldwide found evidence of harm as described in the image. Check out the study for more details.
Be Engaged: Watch this short Q&A video. Share it with others. Then, find out what research has been done on your school’s sex ed program. Many of the programs are listed here, and have research analyses explaining the research that has been done on that program. For example, Planned Parenthood uses “Be Proud, Be Responsible” in many of the schools in upstate NY. This program does not show evidence of effectiveness.
May 20, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: The long-term effects of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones have not been well-studied. The medical community is conducting dangerous and unethical experiments on our children. Here is what we know:
· “Puberty blockers used to treat children aged 12 to 15 who have severe and persistent gender dysphoria had no significant effect on their psychological function, thoughts of self-harm, or body image, a study has found. However, as expected, the children experienced reduced growth in height and bone strength by the time they finished their treatment at age 16.” Learn more…
· Taking puberty blockers early in puberty then continuing on to take cross-sex hormones will permanently sterilize the child. Learn more…
· Other countries are issuing warnings and changing treatment protocols for gender dysphoric youth…
Be Engaged: If your child has taken puberty blockers for gender dysphoria, consider contacting a lawyer. Advocates Protecting Children recommends this lawyer. If you know of someone whose child has taken puberty blockers for this purpose, share this with them today.
May 19, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: Your kids are not yours while they are at school…
Last month, President Biden addressed the 2022 National and State Teachers of the Year. He told the teachers, “And you’ve heard me say it many times, about our children, but it’s true, they’re all our children. And the reason you’re the teachers of the year is because you recognize that, they’re not somebody else’s children, they’re like yours when you’re in the classroom.” If you don’t believe this is the message being sent to your children’s educators, then watch the video of President Biden saying these very words.
Also, watch this video compilation where some teachers give a brief insight into the ideologies they teach your children.
Be Engaged: First, if your children are at school, meet their teachers. Get to know them personally. Ask their opinions on their role as educators. Ask their views on gender ideology and comprehensive sex education. Ask their opinions regarding your role in your child’s education. Second, watch this short video, which shows the big picture when it comes to the importance of parental involvement. Share it today.
May 18, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: Gender Ideology and Comprehensive Sex Ed are not just taught in the classroom. Children gain access to this information through school libraries. Organizations, like Hope in Box, donate books nationwide that expose children to controversial ideologies and inappropriate concepts. The American Library Association along with Macmillan, Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, and some teachers’ unions are working diligently to provide your children with access to books that teach gender ideology and discuss “anything-goes” sexual activities. They believe all children have a right to access information. However, this type of free access to information is detrimental for children, as it leads them to believe a false gender ideology and sexualizes them through access to sexually explicit materials.
Be Engaged: Use this website to search your child’s school library. Talk to your children about the books they may be exposed to at their libraries. Ask them if they have read about these issues. Start the conversation today.
May 17, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: There is a lot of curricula that can be controlled at the local level. Right now, NYS does not mandate Comprehensive Sex Ed or the instruction of Gender Ideology. Having school boards representative of the community’s beliefs on these issues is critical.
Be Engaged: Today is voting day for most districts! Make sure your vote is informed to the best of your ability, and take this step today for the protection of kids! Go to your district’s website or newsletter for more information about where and how to vote!
May 16, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: From all of the MAYDAY posts thus far, it should be clear there is a crisis in our children’s education. We also know that there is POWER in grassroots efforts and parents speaking out! Remember what happened in Virginia?
Be Engaged: Join a national or statewide group to stay abridged of current happenings: Alliance to Protect New York’s Children, No Left Turn in Education, New York Children’s Educational Rights, etc. OR Join a local community action group. There are many groups fighting comprehensive sex ed and gender ideology in the schools. Consider joining a local chapter– we are stronger together! If you are a part of a group, start discussing what you might do as a next step, and share that here! Mom’s for Liberty has chapters in many NY Counties, NY Informed has county chapters, Take Action Roc, and so forth. Don’t have a group in your locale? Start a community action group or host a meeting! Every school district could benefit from a group of active community members who research and share relevant information with the school boards.
May 15, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be informed: Gender Ideology is harming children and young adults. Watch this video for a well-done 5 minute overview of this issue.
We know that:
Genetically: All viable cells in an individual’s body are EITHER all male or all female. Sex-reassignment surgery can change appearances, but not our genetics.
Physically: Our biological sex affects changes throughout our body at every level of our being from our bones, to our muscles and fat tissue, to our brains, etc. Men and women are different from the moment of conception.
Philosophically: There is a difference between identity and reality. Just because someone identifies as something, it doesn’t change the reality. If you identify yourself as a different age, it doesn’t then make you that age in reality. Identifying as a different gender doesn’t make it so.
Psychologically: Gender dysphoria is a real condition that causes pain and suffering, and there is significant evidence to suggest that treating this with “transitioning” socially or medically causes further harm. However, treating children with love and compassion and encouraging them in their biological sex through puberty, leads to children embracing their biological sex by adulthood in 80-98% of cases.
Be Engaged: Gender Ideology leads to increased CONFUSION for our children, reduction of safety in traditionally sex segregated spaces, reduction of opportunity in women’s sports, and irreversible lifelong damage to children who get on the “trans train.” Today’s item is to choose NOT to engage in gender ideology in your own life. Be an example for our kids. Have you been forced to put “preferred pronouns” in your email signature or LinkedIn Profile? Remove them now. Reflect on your life and consider how you can set an example for the children in your sphere of influence: How do you live in truth and love, not affirming this ideology?
May 14, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: Are all forms of pedagogy best for sex ed?
Comprehensive Sex Ed (CSE) may train children to teach other kids about sex or sexual pleasure through peer-to-peer initiatives. It also uses hands-on-learning and role plays which sexualize children by normalizing conversations about sensitive and private information. Some programs even train children to act as advocates or spokespeople for controversial sexual rights or to promote transgender ideology or abortion.
Parents, not New York State, should decide when and how these conversations should happen.
Not all good forms of teaching (like peer-to-peer initiatives, training in advocacy, hands-on-learning and role plays) are appropriate for Sex Ed.
Be Engaged: First, find out what curriculum your school is using for sex ed. Then, let us know so we can expand our knowledgebase and help other parents. Finally, use the “Harms Analysis” documents to find out if your child’s curriculum contains peer-to-peer initiatives.
May 13, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: Are my children being exposed to pornography in school?
The average age that children are first exposed to pornography is 11 years old. Several of the organizations that created the National Sex Ed Standards (NSES) are pro-pornography and pro-sex work. Many books and curriculums that conform to the NSES encourage introducing pornography to children.
Check out the following examples:
In the book “It’s Perfectly Normal,” one chapter on masturbation says: “Some people become sexually excited without masturbating, just by looking at sexy pictures…”
In the curriculum “Rights, Respect and Responsibility,” one lesson teaches that “Viewing sexually explicit media is not considered a negative by everyone but people should keep in mind that it is fantasy and not reality.” This curriculum contains a slide show with images of the covers of pornography magazines, such as Playboy and GQ.
To learn more about the harmful effects of pornography, visit:
Be Engaged: Pornography is detrimental to a person’s physical, psychological, social, and spiritual health. Today, we encourage you to watch this 10 minute video that addresses the physical harms associated with “anything-goes” sexuality, including pornography. Post it to social media or share with a friend or family member.
May 12, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: When did masturbation, oral sex, and anal sex become educational topics for school? These issues have nothing to do with reproduction or biology, but the National Sex Ed Standards focus lessons on sexual pleasure.
Check out these two examples of CSE conforming curriculums that are currently used in schools:
In the book “It’s Perfectly Normal,” one chapter explains how to masturbate and makes a point about sexual pleasure. It states, “Some religions call masturbation a sin. But masturbating cannot hurt you.” It also explains orgasm. This book is currently being used in schools and can be found in middle school libraries.
In the curriculum “Be Proud, Be Responsible!” children are taught that “People often say that sex doesn’t feel as good with a condom, but we’re going to talk about ways to make the experience more pleasurable.” The subtle lesson to children is that schools are appropriate places to learn about sexual pleasure. A focus on sexual pleasure is completely inappropriate for the classroom and not the purpose of sex education.
Be Engaged: If your child is in a public, private, or charter school, consider using this opt-out form in order to opt your child out of all Sex Ed and Gender Ideology lessons. Start learning about alternative types of sex ed programs, and then teach these subjects at home where you can know the appropriateness of the lessons. Send a letter and follow up with an email to document and reinforce the importance of the issue.
May 11, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: As we mentioned yesterday, NY Assembly bill A840 is on the committee meeting agenda for TODAY, Wednesday, May 11 at 10AM. If this bill passes, it will protect students’ privacy related to their transgender or gender nonconforming status—including privacy from their own parents. Already there is confusion regarding parental rights verses children’s rights.
According to the Gender Resource Guide, “Parents are the primary educators of their children. Though they may choose to entrust their child to a public school, parents are ultimately responsible for overseeing their children’s education.” Also, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires schools to provide parents with an opportunity to “inspect and review” his or her child’s education records if the student is under the age of 18. However, bill A840 will allow a child to change his/her school records without parental consent.
The National Education Association suggests that “Administration and faculty should not disclose a student’s actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to others, including other students, parents or guardians or other school personnel, unless required to do so by law or unless the student has agreed, or unless the student makes requests that require such information to be disclosed…” The NY State Education Department suggests that in some cases, “transgender students do not want their parents to know about their transgender status. These situations must be addressed on a case-by-case basis and will require schools to balance the goal of supporting the student with the requirement that parents be kept informed about their children.” GLSEN is training children that schools should be “protecting your privacy by not revealing that you are transgender to others unless you have given them permission to do so. Your school should not be outing you to anyone.” This can include parents.
Check out this article about a teacher who was fired for informing a parent about their child’s transgender identity.
Check out this article about parents suing schools over parental consent issues related to transgender policies.
Be Engaged: If your child is in school, get more engaged in their schooling. Request to look at their records. Request a meeting with their teacher(s) and/or counselor to talk about how your child is doing. Ask them if there is anything you should be aware of regarding your child’s adjustment, friendships, mental health, or academic performance. You have a right and a duty to know. Also, watch the NY State Assembly broadcast today at 10AM. If you cannot watch it live, watch it later HERE.
May 10, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: NY Assembly bill A840 is on the committee meeting agenda for TOMORROW, Wednesday, May 11 at 10AM. If this bill passes it will ensure that schools and school employees treat students consistently with their gender identity or expression, including using pronouns and names consistent with the student’s gender identity or expression. This is concerning, as not all school employees agree with this new gender ideology. This article reports on a teacher in Indiana who lost his job because of similar school policies.
If A840 is passed, it will also allow students to participate in sex-segregated activities and access sex-segregated facilities in a manner consistent with the student’s gender identity or expression. NY has already passed the Gender Expression Nondiscrimination Act (GENDA), which requires all public places to accommodate transgender bathroom and locker room use. If A840 passes, it will expand the GENDA bill and will affect overnight accommodations and sports teams, and it will force all NY school districts to write these expectations into their district’s policies. Watch this video to hear a female athlete’s story about competing against biological males who identify as transgender.
Be Engaged: The first thing you can do today is to pray for our legislators. Pray that they will make a wise decision regarding this bill. Second, mark your calendars for TOMORROW, Wednesday, May 11 at 10AM, so that you can watch the broadcast live HERE. If you cannot watch the broadcast live, you can watch it later HERE on the committee hearing archive page.
May 09, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: Your school may be promoting Gender Ideology through anti-bullying lessons. Did you know that schools in NY are mandated to teach students about having “an awareness and sensitivity in the relations of people, including but not limited to, different races, weights, national origins, ethnic groups, religions, religious practices, mental or physical abilities, sexual orientations, gender identity, and sexes” because of the Dignity for All Students Act? Filling this requirement COULD mean teaching children to treat everyone with kindness, even if they are different from them. However, what this often DOES look like is controversial, politically motivated, inaccurate instruction on gender identity and an over-focus on sexuality and sexual orientation in the classroom. For example, this “Genderbread person” lesson is being used in New York schools and asks children to identify their sex, sexual attraction, romantic attraction, gender identity, and gender expression, all on a spectrum.
For more information, read about the Dignity for All Students Act.
Be Engaged: Is this lesson (or other similar ones) being used in your district? Does your district teach students that gender is on a spectrum? That sex is on a spectrum? That sexual orientation is on a spectrum? Often these lessons are not in “sex ed” class, but woven into all classes and instruction under the guise of bullying prevention. Does your local school teach this untrue, unproven, medically inaccurate and harmful ideology? Today, connect with someone in your district (board, administrator, counselor, teacher, etc.) and ask if they teach children about gender being a spectrum. Follow up by providing them with this free downloadable guide for navigating these issues in the school setting.
May 08, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: There are a number of excellent documentaries working to expose the harms of Gender Ideology and/or Comprehensive Sex Education. Exposing these issues and growing the community of people who CARE and are willing to stand up is an important way to be engaged in fighting these issues.
Be Engaged: Check out the following movies:
Host a movie night with your small group, friends, family, church, community action group, or invite others in your community.
May 07, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: A study in Sweden showed that even in a transgender-affirming environment, those who have undergone sex-reassignment surgeries are nearly 20x more likely to commit suicide. Trans surgery DOES NOT improve a child’s mental health or wellbeing in the long run. Now, an increasing number of young adults are regretting their decisions and facing a host of medical and emotional hardships as a result of the gender cult.
Be Engaged: Host a vigil with friends or family to:
Remember children who have died by suicide, being swept up in the transgender movement rather than getting the truth and help they needed, like Yaeli. Hear her mother’s story Here.
Acknowledge and pray for the children who have undergone sex-reassignment surgery and are struggling with the loss of their bodies. They need our prayers and compassion. You can hear testimonies of people who transitioned, then returned to their biological sex: Here and Here.
Acknowledge and pray for families of children who are currently caught up in the lies of Gender Ideology. Read their countless stories Here.
May 06, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: It is commonly known that children’s brains are not fully developed until adulthood, so we protect them legally by preventing them from driving until they are 16, preventing them from buying lottery tickets until they are 18, and from buying cigarettes or alcohol until they are 21. Yet, our society is allowing children to diagnose themselves as transgender, and then prescribing puberty blocking hormones for children as young as 8 years old and performing double mastectomies of healthy breast tissue on girls as young as 13. This is NOT backed by science and is causing IRREVERSIBLE harms to children. Children with gender dysphoria are not receiving the true care they need.
When children are struggling to embrace their biological sex, our first instinct should be compassionate care and helping them embrace their God-given body. Instead, kids are given hormones and surgery. Let’s change that. #HelpNotHarm
Be Engaged: Take a minute to sign the petition to HELP NOT HARM.
Also, check out these websites:
May 05, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: Sex is not ‘assigned at birth,’ as it is currently being promoted through Comprehensive Sex Ed programs. Sex is actually determined at the moment of conception. Every single viable cell in the human body is either male or female. Sex is not a spectrum. Yet, children are being taught through CSE curriculums and school programs that they can become another sex by using puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and sex-reassignment surgeries. Teaching children scientifically and medically inaccurate information is leading to greater confusion.
To learn more, watch this video.
Be Engaged: It’s National Day of Prayer. Therefore, it is only fitting that today’s MayDay action item is prayer. Pray without ceasing. Pray for the kids. Pray for parents. Pray for teachers. Pray for administrators. Pray for legislators. Pray for our government. Pray for the curriculum developers. Pray for the church. Pray that children will learn truth. Use this prayer as a place to start:
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that you would protect children from harm. As they enter the school building surround them with your angels and shield their eyes from sexualized materials. Close their ears to confusing gender ideology and protect them from dangerous peer pressure. Help the teachers to have discernment about age-appropriate material and to hold their personal political and ideological views privately so that our children may flourish in an environment that preserves childhood innocence yet promotes critical thinking and academic excellence. God, today’s world is dark, and our kids are suffering. We pray that you work in us and through us to protect children. In Jesus' name, amen.
May 04, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: Gender “Inclusion” policies affect 100% of the student body, not just those suffering from gender dysphoria. These policies negate sex-based protections by prioritizing feelings over biology. When a school passes a gender inclusion policy (or a state does like NY is considering bills A840 and S369), every single locker room and restroom changes from a single-sex facility into a mixed-sex facility. Similarly, sports teams that were previously separated by sex will now force girls to compete against much faster and stronger (on average) boys.
New York requires mixed-sex spaces for universities and other public places already. Read this article for more information.
Be Engaged: Do you know how your district handles these issues? If not, find out! You can look at your district’s policies online, contact an administrator at your school, or ask the school board. You may be surprised at what you find! Many parents learn that their children are using restrooms with those of the opposite sex, and they were never notified.
May 03, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: As posted yesterday, New York is trying to MANDATE sex education starting in Kindergarten! This sex education would conform to inappropriate and sexualizing standards created by radical organizations.
Check out this Recent News Article about CSE to learn more.
Be Engaged: Today, tell your State Senator and Assemblymember that you are opposed to this Comprehensive Sex Ed mandate. Albany Update Legislative Action Center makes this extremely easy. They provide you a drafted letter and send it to the correct legislators based on your address.
May 02, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: New York is trying to MANDATE Comprehensive Sex Ed for all K-12 children in public and charter schools. This sex ed will need to align with the National Sex Education Standards that were created by activist organizations such as Planned Parenthood, SEICUS: Sex Ed for Social Change, Advocates for Youth, GLSEN and more…
Be Engaged: First, click HERE to see exact quotes from the standards, showing how they are harmful for children because they promote gender ideology, promote premature sexual autonomy, encourage abortion, sexualize children, force kids to advocate for LGBTQ+, promote LGB+ sexual orientations, and push critical race theory.
Then, read the bills regarding this issue:
Keep in mind that the bills claim that their sex ed is age-appropriate and medically accurate. Check out the resource above to see how this sex education is neither age-appropriate nor medically accurate, and is in reality, harmful to children.
Finally, share this information with a friend or family member today.
May 01, 2022
Be Informed & Be Engaged
Be Informed: What is the difference between comprehensive sex education (CSE) and traditional sex education? Check out the chart above to see a quick break down of how comprehensive sex education is different from traditional sex education.
For more information, visit:
Be Engaged: Share this video on social media so that your friends can learn about CSE too. If you don't have social media, share this video with a family member.